We guarantee that your stand in Barcelona will be successful.

Main Fairs in Barcelona

Fairs we work with

Feria alimentaria barcelona

Alimentaria Fair

Discover the essence of gastronomy at the Alimentaria Fair: a meeting of flavors and trends. We, as experts in stand design, bring this culinary experience to life.

See fair

MWC Fair

Immerse yourself in technological innovation at MWC, the global epicenter of the mobile industry. We stand out with our stands designed to enhance your presence.

See fair
Feria ISE

ISE Fair

Immerse yourself in the audiovisual world at ISE, where technology and creativity converge. We, experts in design, make your presence shine with impressive stands.

See fair
Feria ICE Barcelona

ICE Fair

Discover innovation in entertainment and games at ICE Barcelona. Stand out with unique booths designed by us to enhance your presence at this outstanding event.

See fair

Your stand in Barcelona in 3 steps

contacto stands barcelona


Contact us without obligation

diseño stands barcelona


We learn and get attached to your brand values.

construccion stand barcelona


We design and build your stand in Barcelona for your company.


Stands designed for trade fairs in Barcelona

Singapore trade show booth in Barcelona

Singapore Stand in Barcelona

During IBTM 2016, Dylunio was awarded for its brilliant design of the Singapore stand in Barcelona, taking the recognition for the best stand design. His rapturous creativity turned the space into a fascinating experience, paying homage to innovation and impeccable execution. This achievement captured with elegance and excellence the distinctive essence of Singapore.

Pakistan Stand in Barcelona

Dylunio was commissioned to design and assemble the MWC booth for Pakistan in 2022. His skill and meticulousness shaped an environment that captured the essence of Pakistan’s innovation and technological prowess, offering attendees a total immersion that underscored the nation’s enormous technological potential.

Pakistan trade show booth in Barcelona
Palinox trade show booth in Barcelona

Palinox stand in Barcelona

Dylunio unleashed his genius by designing and setting up the Palinox stand at Seafood Barcelona, the trade fair dedicated to the world of fish and seafood. His innovative approach enhanced Palinox’s expertise in industrial equipment. Through a booth design that fused visual appeal and practicality, they created a space that evoked the essence of the sea and technology, captivating those present with a striking presentation of the products.

dylunio partners
around the world


More than 20 years of experience in the design and assembly of stands for trade fairs in Barcelona.

A stand at a trade show in Barcelona can transform your company’s presence and you know it. In Barcelona, famous for its international events such as the Mobile World Congress, the International Motor Show or the Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week, the opportunity to stand out is immense.

A strategically designed stand for the Barcelona trade fair can be the best ally not only to attract customers, but also to generate recognition and project an impressive image of your company.

For all these reasons, we at Dylunio are the ideal partner for the design of your stands in Barcelona. Our experience in the design and construction of stands distinguishes us, always using innovative techniques that result in captivating and functional spaces.

We offer a complete service, from conceptualization to execution, ensuring an outstanding presence in Barcelona’s trade fairs. More than just creating and setting up stands, we create experiences that impact and connect with your target.

Contact us and let us take your presence to the next level in Barcelona (and beyond), with the design and construction of stands that tell your company’s story, its values and attract attention with style and originality.

Learn more about Dylunio

They trust us

wines of brasil
raventos codorniu

Enrique Herrera Ibañez
Enrique Herrera Ibañez
Aprovecharé este espacio para felicitar al equipo de Dylunio por el excelente trabajo realizado, en favor de Learn Chile, en la recién pasada EAIE 2023, llevada a cabo en Rotterdam. Dylunio es una empresa que se caracteriza por estar atenta a satisfacer las demandas de sus clientes, armonizando aspectos como la funcionalidad y la elegancia en los diseños de sus montajes. En cuanto al equipo, Addaia y Ángel, en la pre producción, siempre estuvieron atentos a los aspectos técnicos y a proponer soluciones ante requerimientos que iban surgiendo; mientras que Víctor y Valentina, durante los días de la feria, fueron un soporte extraordinario para que todo lo planeado se ejecutara al 100%. Los recomiendo.
En Arkoslight quedamos muy satisfechos con el trabajo de Dylunio en la producción de nuestro stand de feria. Supieron capturar perfectamente nuestra visión y la convirtieron en una realidad impresionante. Destaca la profesionalidad y el enfoque colaborativo del equipo Dylunio durante todo el proceso. Siempre dispuestos a atender nuestras sugerencias y adaptar el proyecto según nuestras necesidades, haciéndonos sentir involucrados en cada fase de la producción. Muy satisfechos por su atención al detalle y a la exigencia de calidad que trasmite nuestra marca.
Jordi Garcia Chale
Jordi Garcia Chale
Gran equipo muy resolutivo. Profesionales expertos y experimentados en el sector de stands y ferias. Servicio excelente! Muy recomendable
Dani Julve
Dani Julve
Agència molt professional i alhora amb un toc humà que fa molt agradable treballar amb ells. Entregues de gran calitat.
Anna Torres
Anna Torres
Some words to define working with Dylunio: trust and added value.
Claudia Yáñez
Claudia Yáñez
Un equipo de trabajo excepcional! Atentos a todo detalle. Trabajar con todo el equipo de Dylunio se nos ha hecho muy fácil por la muy buena comunicación que hemos tenido. Muchas gracias!
Alejandro Muñoz
Alejandro Muñoz
Excelentes profesionales, excelente servicio y excelente disposición.
Mary Francis Andrade
Mary Francis Andrade
Excelente trabajo de alto nivel y personalizado
iñaki Latasa
iñaki Latasa
Seriedad y compromiso

Frequently Asked Questions

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